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All of my LPS series






Every year I visit Ohio with my family and somewhere along the line I started vlogging my trips. A ton of you guys really liked and so I kept making it! Now it's kinda like a tradition: every year I make a whole new ohio vlog and every year you guys still like it! This year, 2016, I am going on a road trip to ohio and I plan to vlog every second of it :D



Dead end is a series idea I came up with when I first started my LPS channel. The first version didn't have much of a plot and, in restrospect, was pretty dumb (lol) I remade this series and a lot of you guys like it! As for making episodes, the sets I use for DeadEnd take a long time to set up. The filming process is always hard, and the editing takes a while. So, please be patient! :D

PLOT: It's about a zombie outbreak. Yup.


Journey Of The Heart:

Journey of the heart is an LPS series that only lasted one episode. I didn't really have much of a plan after episode one so.... I discontinued it. (Aka: it was a fail)

Series in general are very hard for me becuase they are a real commitment and it's hard to keep up. I currently don't have any plans to renew this series, but I may remake it in the future.

PLOT: A girl named Emily discovers a mysterious crystal heart in her basement that unlocks special powers. Kinda sounds like an anime, huh?



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